** A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar. **

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Days of our life (60)

enjooooooooooy ;**

Fai9al: and now you know i can never let you go <3

i was deeply shocked from what i saw !!!!!!!! GOD plz dont let this be a joke :( ! i was happy !!! deeply happy! it was him standing infront of me ! it was fai9al! really fai9al! i couldnt believe it !

Alzain: i cant believe this!

Fai9al giggled!

Fai9al: well you better believe this cuz your going to be my wife soon
Alzain: OHH MY GOD walla ma9adg ! 
Fai9al: 9adgay ya bnt 9adgay ! 56eebti 9rtay!
Alzain: w mn galk eni ra7 awaf8 ?
Fai9al: 8a9ban 3lech!
Alzain: fai9al ekl tbn plz dont ruin the moment
Fai9al: twa mn gal ra7 awaf8 w el7een ekl tbn mashi 5la9 3ayl ana asta2th bro7 
Alzain: fai9al chub 

i was just hugging him tightly with my head on his chest and my eyes hardly shut .. i just diidnt want to let go of him its like i couldent believe it was him infront of me!

Alzain: fai9aaaal!
Fai9al: 3yoon fai9al
Alzain: i cant believe its actually you! 3bali you were going to leave me !
Fai9al: i leve you? hh your kidding me! alzaina ana la7'6a magdar a3eesh bdonch hal noba a5leech ? ynetay?
Alzain: madri fai9al madri walla knt 7di 5ayfa ! enzain shglt 7ag obok ?
Fai9al: lat5afeen ka im here infront of you and i would never in a thousand years let you go! 

he hugged me tightly and kissed my head ..

Alzain: enzain bs shglt 7ag obok ?
Fai9al: 3an shno agoula ??
Alzain: 3shaan ma titzawaj hatheech libgara
Fai9al: la t8al6een 3leha !!!
Alzain: chub ladaf3 ! 
Fai9al: zyoona you can let go now
Alzain: mabi 
Fai9al: 5la9 lathdeen a9laan i like it this way! bs walla alla ysalmch glt 7ag oboy abi atzawaj Alzain AlX gali weln3m ! roo7 wleedi twakal 
Alzain: ya3ni makant 5a6b!
Fai9al: la2
Alzain: ya3ni i was the bgara all along ? 
Fai9al: my lovley bgara!

i stepped on his foot with my heel!

Fai9al: a7777777777 !
Alzain: fai9al
Fai9al in pain: ha 7yaty
Alzain: lesh chithi swet
Fai9al: alzain 7beebti
Alzain: hmm 
Fai9al: wa9a5tay om eldishdasha ! el7een shbeegoloun ??

weeeeeeeeeh mascarty ! i pulled away

Alzain: kaaaaaaaaaak

he looked surprisingly at his dishdasha! 7seta ra7 yabchi =)

Fai9al: yaa bnt shswetay :o
Alzain: kaaaaaaaaaaak =))

he sat on the couch and grabbed me putting me on his lap !

Alzain: fai9al 7beeby la tit'hawar =))
Fai9al: na'6feeeh
Alzain: na3am :o?
Fai9al: na'6feeh
Alzain: shloun ?
Fai9al: yeebay correcter 76i foga

i stared at him mn kthr '3ba2a :|

Alzain: mit2akd sh'hadtk mo mzawara ?

He laughed

Fai9al: walla chood mzawreenha 
Alzain: enzain wait

i got up and went and brought the tide pen ely ta5thona wyakom lma t6l3on 7ag etha 6a7 shay 3lekom :p

Alzain: kaaa 

there was a black line on his shoulder so i tried to remove it with the tide pen

Alzain: la tit7arak 

i bent down to take it off

he was shuffling!

Alzain: ogaf

then he started to do some egyption dance

Alzain: faaaai9aaal ;@!
Fai9al: lool 5la9 5la9 barked 

i cleaned it all up

Alzain: done :D!
Fai9al shouted: tslam eeeeedch yal '3alya 

i covered his mouth

Alzain: lat9ar5 !! enta shimsharbeenk gabl la tyee tukfa ?? 
Fai9al: sharb kas l3yooon zyooonti

i stared at him

Alzain: bdena sh'3l ma3gada ?
Fai9al: la 5la9 5la9! zyoon
Alzain: hlaa ?
Fai9al: you look hot when your angry 

This boy is defenitly drunk today :) 9aba came!

9aba: enshalla t5al9oona 9arlkom sa3a ! w alzain enshalla tro7een tsalmeen 
Alzain: laaazm ? a5af :(!
Fai9al: sht5afeen mna bala! mara7 yaklonch 
Alzain: madriii a5af omk mat7bni aw ma3jbha ;s
Fai9al: lgeeeeeeetay 3ad omy! zyoon amana mno may7bch ? ma3dna salfa ely mat3jbeena walla! an97a yro7 yg6 nafsa mn agrab burj!
Alzain: sta'3fer allah :(
Fai9al: emshay ;*

i walked behind him with my eyes on the ground ! walla ma abal'3 i was so scared .. what if his mom dosent like me ? what if something happens!

allla yaster! i grabbed 9aba's hand and she smiled telling me that everything will be good enshalla ..

we entered the living room and i saw my mother, aunt and grandmother with his mom his aunt and his grandmother.

Alzain: elslam 3lekom
All: wa 3lekom elslam

9aba whispered: ro7ay bosay oma w 5alta w ydta

i went to them kissed his aunt w salamt 3leha

Om Fai9al: hlaaa hla bnayti shlounch yuma sh5barch ?
Alzain: tmam 5alti el7mdla, entay shlonch ?
Om Fai9al: ana b5er damch b5eer 7beebti ;* h7latchwalla bnyti ! mthl ma fai9al gal gomar! allah y5leech

waaay fai9al bant7er :(! shm5arb6 3nd oma ba3ad! this boy is insane !!!

i moved on to his grandmother who kept on kissing until forever!

Fai9al's grandmother: ya emyaaat ahla w sahla! hla eb bnyti shlounch yuma shlonch 7beebti ?

wow she's so cute!

Alzain: tmaam 5alti ana b5er el7mdla! entay shlonch ? :D
Fai9al's grandmother: ya 7ilwch walla ana b5er yuma b5er! 
Alzain: 3sa ;*

i went and sat next to my mom .. they all started talking about different subjects and different topics marriage, studying, home, fashion and everytime a look at fai9al he winks or does something weird ! this boy is insane! 5ala ely ma yshk yshk! BUT IM INLOVE WITH HIM!


we talked and talked then it  was time to go .. they said their goodbyes and i went .. \
it wasnt as bad as i thought it was !


** 9aba's point of view **

Today went great .. A smile was plastered on alzains face that i never saw before .. she was so happy and  so shocked when she saw him .. she never expected it and neither do i .. i was as shocked as she was when i saw zyooood outside their house from the window ! at that moment i knew it was fai9al who proposed to her ;D

9aba: zyooon bada3tay !!!
Alzain: kaaaaaaaaaaaak ambay walla wnasa ! knt 7di 5ayfa bs 6la3at elsalfa hayna!
9aba: wila fai9al l7mar ! shhal 7arkay
Alzain: waaaaaay bid3a walla =))

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