** A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar. **

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Days of our life (39)

adri we've been posting short posts latley so here's a long one filled with action w st3ba6 :p this is true ! it onced happened to us ;p

we got up and headed  to the garage :D

Alzain: shway shway mn galkom agdar a6eer ya3ni ra3aw '6rofi !
Me: haaa madri mno ely gayl yalla barkb w msawya nafsh'a grandizer =)) ta7milay !
Alzain: mashi ya bnt ALX ! entay ma tit2dben layn y9eer feech shay =))!
Me: hay ya shgoul smila 3lay !!
Retaj: baskom nijra entaw lathnen yhal ??
Alzain: agooul rtooj 5ofay 3lena bs ! 3labona 3umrch 17 w ely yamch 21 yayeen titflsfon
Me: ee w la to8as el38ool bla3mar tara !!
Lujain: ely ygoul 3golkom kbeera el7een emshaw bs emshaw =))

they walked infront of us elchlab ysawon nafs'hom kbar .. and zyoon came next to me

Alzain: ma 3lech mnhom hal bgrten =))
Me: kaaaak 5leehom 7sabhom m3ay yayeen yitflsfon 3lena !!


when we got in the garage ljoon and rtooj took a rhino and me and zyoon got 2 seperate buggies.

Me: 3ad entaw sayroona mo tro7on bro7kom nafs kil mara !! 5al nistanas ma bogalna ela hal 3 ayam w nrd 7ag nikad eldrasa ;(
Lujain: 5la9 okk
Retaj: zween deerbalch !!!
Alzain: lilmara elmalyoun agoulkom enshalamara7 y9eer feeni shay !!

everybody hoped on their buggies and rhino's and off we went cruising in chabd!

Alzain shouting: ma tabon nro7 nit'3da ?!
Me: ta7achat om karsh
Alzain: 3aybay 3aybay :) lain tyeech a7la 6aga e6ayreech el7ara ely 3al side elthani :)
Retaj: kaak shgalat ehya el7een =))! w twa 7beeb galbch mo m8adeech
Me: ee 9a7 els7lya mo m8adeech ?
Alzain: 7beebti ana lma ag3ad eb 6awla feha hnadwa ma astamti3 eb lathat elakil :)
Me: ahaaa sh8a9dch ??
Alzain: kaak walla 9booy ely fhmteeh =))

and she sped a little

Me: ra7 a9kich blgzooz el7ee....

** Alzain's point of view **

ehya galatli hal jomla wla ana mashouf ela ehya dasha bldowar =)) magdart amsk '6a7kti w '6a7akt b8wa la eeradiya !!! shway w amout mn el6'7k !! ( true part )

we headed straight to her side ( bs ma engalbat mn elbuggy wla 9ar feeha shay el7mdla )

All: kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak
9aba: wla shay y'6a7k tara knt bmout
Lujain: w a7ad ysog w 3yona 3la elside yit'hawash wya ely yama w dayis =)) bgara ??
9aba: 3shan t3arf tgoul 3an zyood hindi
Me: madri mno gayla 3an fai9al s7lya !
9aba: alzain 7beebti emshay la a3lmch sh'3l allah :)

w dst 7eel la2ni adri ra7 tamskni w t'hifni bshay =))

** 9aba's point of view **

she sped up el7aywana ana i was right behind her w rtooj w ljoon warana eb their rhino's .. we were speeding and speeding wara zyoonw mashouf wla we were on what called " shibh main road "

Me: zyoon ya 7mara rday hatha main road !!

she just kept on laughing and speeding up and we all did the same =))!


cars kept passing by and throwing comments like " oo bnat " hlaaa oboooooy" " shway shway deerbalkom " " alaaah rdfoooni " and more and more ..

We decided to take a u-turn and go to the jam3iya na5th 5rabee6 w enrd elya5oor..

i went infront of them since adil el u-turn

Me: yalla 5nro7 eljam3ya

zyoon flashed us one of her stupid huge smiles !

Alzain: w a5eeran 8arartaw taklon :D
Retaj: ee zyoon 3ayday xD!
Alzain: eklay tbn =))
Me: hal lafa hal lafa !

lfena !

Lujain: ya 7mara hathi 3aks elser !!!!!

kna ga3deen ensog 3aks elser !! syayeer ray7a w a7na radeen w elkil y6g hirnat !! ( true part ;p)

Me: ambaaay lifaw lifaw xD !!

r7na 7arat elaman w wigafna

 All: kaaaaaaaaaaaaak
Alzain: b8etay tithb7eena ya 95ala !! =))
Me: maknt adri walla !! xD
Retaj: a5r mara arkab wyakom !! lana jad mabi amout w im still 17 !! ako a7ad elif 3aks elsser !!!
Me: kaak walla madri madri !!! =))

a car stopped by with 2 boys in it

Boy1: emshaw 3adl elmara elyaya ha !! 3ifastona
Alzain: ma7ad 6alab rayk 7beebi yalla farj

we stared at zyoon .. oh no ! zyon lay tahawshat wya 9bay ma taskit =))

Boy1: entay mn kalmch
Alzain: 3la ma'6n glt EMSHAW ya3ni jima3t w ana min '6mn elgroup  !
Boy1: ma kalamtch !
Alzain: enzain shtabi el7een 5ala9 ana kalamt nafsi w ba3den ?
Boy1: enzain ma kalamtch !
Alzain: ya5iii fahamt walla !!! el7een momkn tamshi lank 9ak 3lena
 Boy1: mani mashi
Alzain: glt emsh a7sanlk :)
Boy1: waaaaaaaaay 5lood lesh chithi t5ar3ni magdar
Alzain: gadha ?
Boy1: w n9 !!

7arirat elbuugi w dasat chan e6g el'let ely wara eb 6araf el gzooz w ynshal let syart'hom mn 3rja =))

we were standing there shocked !! ambay 7mara walal =)) jreee2a !! ksrat let syarat 9byan !! kilwa7d shakla +25 sina !!

then we gave them our backs and went off malna 5lg naklha a7na !!

wi9alna eljam3ya w makna nadri wain zyoon ..

but she called .

Me: alooo wench ?!
Alzain: ana 9ob hatha ely ybee3 bared 3la janb w bsr3a abi my crutches mo gadra amshi!
Me: ka yalla el7een nyee ..

i closed it ..

Retaj: ha wenha ?
Me: 9ob mal elbarid
Lujain: ambay li7mara bada3at =))
Retaj: kaaaaaaaak ambay zyoon w 9abooy entaw nikta =))

i laughed and walked to zyoon holding the crutches ..

Alzain: a5eeran yetaw
Me: haha sorry 3al ta25eer
Alzain: yalla emshaw

5thena 3rbana w da5alna

Me: zyoon g3day da5l =))
Alzain: kaaak walla amalich 3igob hatheech elmara toba ma ag3ad la2ni tahaza2t !!
Me: kaak walla ayam awal ma ti3rfna 3lehom  =))
Alzain: eeeee 7da :( !!

Rtooj held up a bag of fa7am

Retaj: alaaah bnat 5al enshawi !
Lujain: ee wala fikra !!! its winter w ma3ndna shay blel!
Alzain: ee 5la9 agoul 7ag rajoo el7een yjahz la8ra'6 w a7na na5th 5rabee6 !
Me: okk yalla :D
Alzain: enzain bs tara ana  ta3abt bag3ad elcrutches ga3d y3awroni w reeli t3bat :(!

a strong voice came out from the back !!

Fai9al: w ana mo gaylch la t6l3een !!
Alzain: bismla elr7man elr7eem
Fai9al: hla walla hla
Alzain: hla feek
Fai9al: entay shim6al3ch ??!!

but thankfully Zayed came mask 9narten and saved the moment !

Zayed: f9ail lget'hom !
Zayed: ohhhhhhhh ooooooh 6a3 mno ehni !! entaw shyaybkom :D
Me: entaw ely shyaybkom
Zayed: w entay t3alay shko 6al3a bdon la tgoleeli :o
Me: ana
Zayed: la ydi :)
Me: enta shko 6al3 w mo gayli ??
Zayed: la tin7ashen yalla tiklmay ana sa2alt awal !

7a6 el9narat 3la janb w ya ymi

Zayed: shyaybch ?
Me: yena na5th ashya2 7ag barbique elyoum :p

sudeenly the boys ely zyoon ksrat let'hom dshaw !!

Zyoon: ambaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
she grabbed fai9al w wgifat wara
Fai9al: shfeech ??
Zyoon: ogaaf
Fai9al: lesh shfeech ??
Zyoon: fai9al chub w ogaf !
Fai9al: chub ba3ad .. yalla mashi *heartbroken*

i grabbed zayed and shuved him infront of me

Zayed laughing: 3lamkom !
Me: zyoood plz la tit7arak
Zayed: '3ali w el6alab r5eee9 !!

i hit his back but he grabbed my hands !

Me: aaay hid !
Zayed: mabi !
Me: zyood la tamsk 7eel y3awr
Zayed: shkoo eg6geen ??
Me: 5la9 asfa
Zayed: not enough
Me: sorry 3ami zayed !
Zayed: still !
Me: 3ad yalla chub gal3tk zain!

mashi he bent down and grabbed my kneed and out me on his shoulders !

Me: yneeeet ?!!!! tara a7na bjm3ya !!
Zayed: kefi !!

he took me outside the jam3iya and let me down and kissed my cheeks

Zayed: yalla do the same

i stared at him

Me: huuh ?
Zayed: huuuh? do the same yalla !
Me: zayed 7beebi keep dreaming
Zayed: 5o ma giltlch booseeni 3la 7alji ana glt 3la 5adi ba3ad 7ram !
Me: ee 7ram !
Zayed: mashi kefch
Me: 5la9 ok !

i tilted my self up and kissed his cheeks.

Me: chithi zain

I giggled chub chub :p

they came out of the jam3ya ..

Lujain: yalla ray7een
Zayed: etha tbeen ay shay call a7na ga3deeb blgahwa
Me: 5la9 okk tc
Zayed: you to

we said our goodbyes and headed back ..

while we were on the way ..

Alzain: ha sh9ar
Me:  wla shay
Alzain: mm wla shay .. ljoon w rtooj sima3toha wla shay

i blushed ..

Me: Alzain bs !
Alzain: a777 your blushing !!
Me: eklay tbn !!
Alzain: waaaaay your in love

the whole ride was like this and they kept bugging me until we arrived  -.-

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