** A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar. **

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Days of our life (66)

this is the second time aktib hal post la2na enmsa7 .. bs i would like to thankyou guys .. thankyou all jad! you all were amazing readers and amazing audiences through out the story! you supported us! you gave us comments! suggestion! feedbacks! swa2an on ask.fm, mentions or DM's! you were all such amazing people <3  thankyou so much ;*** as you know hathi awal 89a naktibha! fa sam7oona 3la elg9oor w sam7oona etha kan fe ay shay bl89a ma 3ijabkom! bs walla it was our first experience :( w enshalla elyayat af'6al ;* i would like to thank people who supported us in all of this .. i would like to thank @EO_10 - @SBM_36 - @shahad_36 - @rpluso - @ALMULLA_TOOTA - @JB_NAVYQ8 - @M_M_35 - @Hod_Hod_Al_M - @officialshawata - @NourahAlShaya - @basooma_13 <- special thankyou;*! - @khaleejiblogger - @Du38_ - @randomlove2 - @ketakermfarzena - @FJR94_ - @Toumxx - @pwincessmermaid - @ NaAlShaya - @Sh7aidan - @alsulaitinora - @duhadark - @MBALomair - @3anoun - @alJazzaf745 - @N_alfouderi - @DALQaoud - @LMathkoor17 - @Nalothaina - @d_altawari - @Noufii_48 - @JumanaAF_ - @kuwaitlovesJB - @Gbeeez - @AlMuhanna73_ - @elnooury - @DalalTAlasfour - @Totaalfadhli - @m7d_3ajbni - @FatmaJAlBloushi - @noormadan7 - @SAA72 - @Dandunii - @liliaawww - @F_AlKanderii - @sh_saffar - @Hayabinsaif - @itsSwair7 - @nouf_alghanim - @yasminadashti - @toomm617 - @fatoomaAlqattan - @fatti_alf - @HessaAlfaraj - @aljaddi - @RF_Shuwaiee - @Q8dodii - @Ansarei - @FALMARSHOUD - @Manaraa_ - @N_6khaim_317 - @talnami - @Halooyx - @Dalal4x - @itsJumanaf - @G_almajed - @R_alduraihem - @Nalothaina  sorry if i forgot anybody guys ;* bs deep deep thankyou to you guys <3! now enjoy ;*

we payed for the dress! zyoon dropped me off home and headed to hers ..

Me: ayyyy rasi ya3wrni!
Bandar: ee mn lihyata w elnom bara elbet!

i ignored him ..

Mom: yuma ro7ay darch badlay thyabch namay w rta7ay!
Me: tslmeen yma eyee mnch kil5er 

6ala3t bandar b6araf 3en ba3den r7t dari =)) 

awal ma 9a3adt dari g6et a8ra'6i w i wore my pj's w nmt 3la 6oul!


i woke up the next day elsa3a 2:00pm 

olaaaaa shkthr nmt ana ;@ ?

i looked at my phone expecting some message from bader but their wasent any el7imdla ..

Me: luciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 
Luci: yes saba ?
Me: bring my collage books from my car! and my laptop!
Luci: ok!

Waaaaay maly 5ilg adrs :( 

i layed on my bed for about 10 minutes .. just staring at the sealing and thinking ..  What will happen in this month .. will everything be ok ? what will bader do .. tahdeedata hathi 9ij ? will alzain and fai9al's relationship get ruined because of me ? la2na if it did .. walla mara7 asam7 nafsi!

ga3adt afaker w afaker layn i decided to go take a  loooong coooooooold refreshing shower! 3shan anash6 feeh mu5i w awa5er kil hal afkar elmo7b6a mna! and i did! 

i got out and changed my clothes! 

i opened my laptop to check my e-mail and look at my final exam schedule ..

13/6/2012 = MANAGEMENT

16/6/2012 = Capital Structure/Capital Budgeting

17/6/2012 = Islamic Finance, Auditing for Accountancy

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!! la2 mosta7eel 1 exam on the day of zyoon's milcha and 2 after her milcha ???????????? i cant! i cant! i have to be there! 3 exams means magdar atnafas! ya3ni lazm a67as!

my phone beepeed

9aba i need to see you! im travelling now w raj3 ba3ad 2 weeks .. as soon as possible plz!

ya rabi hatha lal7eena! GOD!  

not in a million years! bader etha enta tisma7 7ag nafsk t5on murtk fa ana mar'6a! 5la9na!

i switched off my phone! maly 5ilga! ely feeni kafeeni .. 


i ran to my mothers room

Me: yumaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Mom: haw! 9aba shfeech ynetay!
Me: yumaaaa abi mara'6iyat
Mom: 7ag shno ? shfeech ba3ad
Me: yumaaa 3ndi exams eb youm mlichat zyoon! 1 eb youm milchat'ha w 2 3igobhom 3la 6oul! ymaaa plz yebeeli bs 3 mara'6yat 6ilabtch :( !!!
Mom: haw 9aba shfeech ynetay! hathela final exams mo li3ba! 
Me: yumaa adrii ! But i have to be there! we spent a whole lot of time preparing and doing all the arrangements needed! ta3bna wayed! w el7een maro7 ? a9lan zyoon min nafsha ra7 tiz3al yuma! 
Mom: 9aba 7beebti fahmtch! adri! bs hatha  final exam! la t3awdeen nafsich t2ajleen examatch bs 3shan asbab tafha .. ra7 tit3awden 3la hal shay w ra7 y'6rch hal shay 9dgeeni!
Me: mara7 at3awad yuma! awal mara w a5er mara walla! plz yuma :(
Mom: shinsawi! gltlch finale exams mo l3ba! lo test 3adi chan yibtlch! bs hthela EXAMS! w kalmay zyoon! alzain bnt 3agla ra7 tifham! w ba3den hathi milcha mo 3rs! ya3ni mo mohma!
Me: yuma 7ta law bs lazm akon ehnak! lazm akon mitwajda ya3ni ehya rfejti! ra7 ti7tajni bhal wakt! a5leeha w maro7 ?
Mom: ana gltlch klmeeeha w zyoona ra7 tfham enshala!
Me: ok!

i headed my room upset ! 

waaaaay babchi walla! shsawi el7een!

i decided to call Dr.Fawzi! he's my only hope!

Me: aloo
Dr.Fawzi: mno ?
Me: dr ana 9aba
Dr.Fawzi: hlaa 9aba hal yuba 
Me: dr ana dget 3lek abi aklmk 3an maw'6oo3 elexams! dr enta tadri 3igob esbo3 milchat alzain w ana 9dee8at'ha mn mta! fa lazm akon mitwajda enak wyaha! ya3ni she needs me eb chithi maw8f! dr tikfa 6alabtk plz kalimhom y2ajloun elexam! amana dr hathi awal mara a6lbk :(
Dr.Fawzi: madri walla 9aba
Me: dr tukfa walla we spent alot of time organizing it! w ya3ni lazm akon mitwajda!
Dr.Fawzi: adri 9aba adri bs hatha final exam mo l3ba!
Me: dr tkfa 7awl plzzz :(!
Dr.Fawzi: i cant 9aba walla im sorry .. lo kan my exam a5er shay chan 2ajaltlch eya .. bs eldicatra elbajeen ma yamshi 3ndhom hal n'6am

he's right i dicatra 78ara :)

Me: ya3ni mafe amal ? kilish ?
Dr.Fawzi: im sorry 9aba
Me: la 3adi 5ala9 thankyou 

i closed the line! 9ij a9la3! 


ga3adt afakr of what to do layn i decided to go to zyoon's house and talk to her .. lazm agoulha wlaw adri enha ra7 tit'6ayag bs shsawi!

i got up and changed into:

and off i went to zyoons!


as soon as i got in w went up to her room!

Me: ha zwaaain
Alzain: wait 9boooy

Alzain: la2! hatha 7ag elmilcha! gold white w brown 7ag 3el3rs! waaay tukfa staw3b! fai9al may'6a7k -.- chub! bye!
Me: shway shway bla3eemch!
Alzain: batzawaj thor :)
Me: 5o mo shay ydeed 3la fai9al =)) shswa?
Alzain: waay 9booy thiba7ni! abi aro7 ashouf eldesigns w kilshay bs mo m5leeni! ygouli g3day drsay! w ana ma5tha eleejaza malat elzwaj! ya3ni ga3da la sh'3l wla mash'3la! bs ehwa ya5i! lazm ag3ad blbet w ehwa ysawi klshay
Me: lool ma3leh :p! 9booy bgoulch shay .. 3la 6ari elmilcha

she turned around to look at me ..

Alzain: mara7 tyeen adri :) i looked at you finale exam schedule 
Me: zyoon walla swet kil ely beedi bs ma7ad ra'6i ysawi shay!
Alzain: 3adi 9aba i understand! ma3lech ro7ay drsay w shday 7elch!
Me: zyooon walla swet kil ely y6la3 eb eedi! bs ma7ad ra'6i! glt 7ag omy abi mara'6yat galat may9eer! w dget 3la dr.fawzi ham ma gidar ysawi shay!

she laughed ..

Alzain: dam dr fawzi blmaw'6o3 9adgeeni mara7 ysawi shay =))
Me: zyoon walla madri shsawi :( 7eel knt abi ayee! i wanted to be by your side!

my eyes started to tear but alzain hugged me

Alzain: 9aba shda3wa la tabcheen! i will be fine a9lan! la t7ateen entay ro7ay drsay w la tash8leen balch! ag9aha milcha ya3ni bs our family bekonon mawjodeen! bs 3ad bl3rs 8a9ban 3lech tkoneen mwjooda!
Me: 3ad bl3rs akeed ra7 ayee dont worry! i dont care etha fe finale!
Alzain: lool shftay shloun ma3leh! bs as lazm edgeen 3lay bacher :( abeech tkoneen m3ay 3al 5a6 awal ma ad5al!
Me: la twa9een 7ree9!
Alzain: yalla ro7ay drsay w ill be waiting for you bacher :(
Me: yalla okk 
Alzain: bye love ;*
Me: bye babe :p

jad i love her! she always makes me feel good no matter what <3!


i finished my exam as soon as possible and called zyoon!

Me: hlaaaaaa bili elyouuuuum btitzawaaaaaaj !
Alzain: hlaaaa hlaaa ;$
Me: wench ?
Alzain: bl9aloun
Me: ay 9aloun ?
Alzain: eden 
Alzain: ha shswetay blexaaaam ?
Me: zain zain
Alzain: 3ad  maw9eeeech 7if'6ay elas2la 3shan ya3ni tinf3eeni ba3ad!
Me: 7af'6t'hom 7af'6at'hom afa 3leech
Alzain: 9booy 5ayfa walla :( 
Me: waaay zyoon lal7eench! lat5afeen mafeeha shay w ana bakon wyach 3al 5a6! 
Alzain: madri :(!
Me: la t7ateen ;* yalla ana lma o9al elbet aklmch
Alzain: okk
Me: bye babeeee ;*
Alzain: bye :(

and off i went to eden!

zyoon matdri bs i made her this huge basket as a gift! feeha kil 9warna w a flash filled with old videos w it had her cast when she broke her leg w her shoe lma ljoon w f6om 7a6aw fe sauces ayam kna nikrahom! w a piece of glass ms syarat li9bay ely zyoon kiserta! it had lots of old thing with old memories! and it had a friendship cartier braclet for her! its a little something for her 3shan tithkarni .. i dont want her to forget me lo shno .. :(


i arrived to eden and got out 

i saw zyoons range rover fa r7t 9obha :p knt bat7arash so i got out a sticky note and wrote " sexy bride " on it and stuck it on the window =)) ashkara bt3arf 5a6i bs ma3leh :p

i headed up to the saloon and covered my face with the basket and got in!


Zyoon's face was pricless! =))

Me: this is a little something from me to you 3shan tithkreni! never forget me zyoon! :( i love you w madri shloun bnit7amal fragch :(

she was beyond shocked ! everybody started to laugh =))

Alzain: ambay! waaay ya 7maraaaaaaaaa !!! 9booy shno hatha !!!! i love you love you love you jad!!!!! ya 7mara i forget you ? walla lo 3la ga9 rgobti ma ansach :( !!!!!!! 
Me: love you zzyoon! walla yet 3shanch tara .. i came to tell you be strong w act normal elyoum! la t7ateen shay! we keep a smile plastered on you face ;*
Alzain: i wiiiill walla :( 9boooy thankyou!
Me: no need love ;*
Alzain: yalla ro7ay drsay w shiday 7elch w awal ma ared ra7 adg 3lech!
Me: ill be waiting!
Alzain: bye
Me: bye!

i hugged her and headed back home to study 

as i was studying my phone vibrated!

calling ... 
Alzain <3 

Me: ha zween
Alzain: ha 9booy
Me: sh9aaar ?
Alzain: madrii :(
Me: laykoon ma da5altay!
Alzain: lal7een! ana bilma6ba5
Me: 8ol a3otho beerab elfala8 =)) 7ta eb milchitich!
Alzain: chuuuub walla mo ga3da akl bs min5asha!
Me: tin5ashen mn shno kil you damily da5l! w fai9al ba3ad shway beyeech! zyoon sm3eeni! take a deep breath! count till three w di5lay! yalla
Alzain: 1,2,3, bismila!

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