** A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar. **

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Days of our life (63)

as promised guys :D;*

The next week was a normal week without any action ...
from university to zyoon our my house  ...
And it was the day before the wedding day! waaaaaaay ya rabi maly 5lg walla :(!

And i forgot to mention! this whole week i had a unknown number calling .. every time i would answer the phone  i would just hear silence or deep breathing .. then the call would end! simple as that! but ohh well i didnt care to even call back and find out who it was .. i was so busy with university zayed and zyoon .


so as i told you it was the day before the wedding .. it was show day! time to start the trying to escape from the wedding act!

76eet may 3la wyhe w nshftah ... w lbst hdom thgela w '36et wyhe t7t alknbl 3shan y9er a7mr ;p

Me: luuuuuuuciiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luci: yes mama saba !
Me: aby 7leb w 3asal :( and tell mama im sick
Luci: ok

she went to bring the ' 7leb w 3sl '

Luci: mama saba sick ! her face red !

omi yat dari rk'9

Mom: yma bnty shfiich !

its show time ;p

Me with weak voice ( acting ;p ): yma t3bana bla3emi t3wrne w rasi y3wrni '9ahre y3wrne w brdanaaaa w bmooout
Mom: ola ola ola kil hatha feech! awdech 6beb ?
Me: la ma agdr at7rk min mukani ...
Mom: 5la9 ana a5le luci tswelch shorba..

Whew !

she was about to leave the room

Me: 7safa 3ad nfnofi 7lw !
Mom: yma mneh le bachr t9eren zainah m3a alshorba
Me : atmna !


she left my room ...

my day was spent on my bed ....
nothing to do except BBMING!

zayon called me ..

Alzain : haaa 9booooyyyy sh9arr
Me: afaa 3laaichhhh shloun w ana 9aba w shloun mat9dg ?
Alzain : kfooo 9beewww !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: yalla ana bnam 3shan bachr !
Alzain: 9boooooooooooy!
Me: haaaaaaaaaa ?
Alzain: first way3a thany shay fai9al bacher yay el3rs! 
Me: 7ilfay ;o! shko!
Alzain: shko shko he's considered family el7een!
Me: eee 9a7 9a7 nsena! new family member .. matsharaf
Alzain: ma shno ?!
Me: wla shay :p
Alzain: 5mday 5mday la 8sman bla ayee akofnch el7een!
Me: fine i will! gn
Alzain: BN!

so i guess that meant bad night =)) ?

but i slept after that!

the next day i woke up and found the dress in my face
uffffffffffff! ya3ni its mom most7eel tinsa =))! but i dont want to go ! mabi ashouf wyohom!

Me: ymaaaaah ?

my mother got in

Mom: hala 9aba ? yalla ljon tn6rch t7t tro7en al9alon 7g rtoj w zyon ..
Me: yma t3ba....
Mom: sm3t ams shglty 7g zyon bs e5thy alnfnof w enty sakta w ro7ay !

i didnt have anything to say =)) she heard everything :p so i just got up and went to take a shower! wore my clothes and went down to ljon

r7na 7g al9alon 3al sa3a 3 w rtoj w alzain kanw hnak !

alzain and rtooj were waiting in the waiting room as we got in

Alzain: ohhh 9booy ashooooufch yetay!
Me: eeeeeh :(
Alzain: fshala 5i6itch mo ?
Me: lil2saf :(
Alzain: ashwa da3wti ta78i8at!

i turned aroung to look at her

Me: ya3ni entay da3ya 3lay!
Alzain: eeeh ;$
Me: way3ee!
Alzain: ya3ni chub ana bs d3et ya3ni knt adri ena allah mara7 ystjeeb d3wti bs stjabha ya3ni shsawi!

i was gonna slap her 3la '3ba2ha!

Lujain: entaw elthnten chub! el7een shko na6reen bara! 5al endish
Alzain: 3indna jalsa at 4 ra7 ybalshon feena 4 filipeenyat bs 7agna bdal ma nsawi a8ra'6na 3la doof3at! w n5al9 bsr3a 3shan enro7 el8a3a embacher!
Me: na3aaaam ?? bitro7on embacher ba3ad!
Alzain: eee shraych! tara wld 5alch liltathkeer .. lazm tkoneen mitwajda embacher wya elahal
Me: anaaaa agoooooul ta7alimaw bs ! 2sasan ana 11:30 6al3a mn el3rs!
Retaj: tistahblen ??
Me: walla! ya3ni la tinson eni ray7a ma'39ooba!
Retaj: enzain g3day 3al a8al lay el wa7da! kilina bnamshi 3al wa7da!
Me: mabi!

Philipeeni women: hi mom how can i help you ?
Me: no we already booked our turn thankyou :p
Pilipeeni women : ok just have a seet and i will call you

zyoooon gamat t7oos

Alzain: yalla ma7b an6r!
Lujain: el9aber zain

gamat w ra7at 3nd filibeenya

Alzain: what is this ?
Pilipeeni women: wax !
Alzain: 3lech w 3la ashkalch !

the wonem giggled she didnt understand what alzain said =)) zyoon tadri ena wax bs ga3da tistahbel

alzain 76t 9b3haa bel shm3

Alzain: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay y7rg y7rg y7rg !

lafat edha tdwr may wla ylzg eb sh3r 7urmaah !

Me: zaayon derbalch sh3r almra !
Alzain: oooh sorry walla maknt adri bs 7rgne !

zayon went inside to wash her hand

a7na kilina mitna '67k =)) elred light mal elwax makan msht'3l w zyoon 3balha its not hot!

The women: w 3maaaah ! shloun aro7 7fla bsh3r feh shm3 ? malat 3al '3ba2!

we were shocked! shfe omha ! she said sorry ya3ni its not like zyoon meant it!

Me: y3mech 7bebty galt sorry shno 9m5a entay ? edha e7rgt'ha! 5al y'3slona ma9ar shay ! la tmoteen 3lena! 

the women was shocked of how rude was i am but its zyon w mar'9a 3leha ;p

so they washed her hair and did it again =))
we were all stting and it was finally our turn!

we all did our stuff :p put some simple makeup on and it was time for our hair!

we were all sitting in a room with 4 chairs in it and doing our hair!

my phone vibrated!

Me: its the unknown number mara thanya!

i picked it up and out and put it on speaker

Me: aloo
Me: aloo ?
there was sniffing! it was somebody crying :/
Me: aloo

there was no answer so i shut the phone!

Me: 3shan t9adgoni :)
Lujain: mno hatha :/
Me: madri ljoon la ts2leeni walla 3lmi 3lmch! ydgon asheela ma asma3 wla 9out aw asma3 a7ad ysh'hag! ba3den yitsakar el5a6
Alzain: weirdo!
Retaj laughing: 7daaaaaaaa!

we were done everything! went to change our clothes in the changing rooms!

i wore:

with my Charlotte Olympia heels:

and we were done! so we headed out!

Lujain: el7een shloun enro7 bsayara wa7da ?
Alzain: bsyarat mno yayeen ?
Me: syarti!
Retaj: 5la9 enro7 kilina bsyarat 9booy w ana agoul 7ag elsayg eyeb syarty ehnak
Lujain: ee a7san shay!
Me: yalla emshaw!

and we got in the car and headed to the wedding place!

Me: bazaw3 walla!
Lujain: 9booy 5la9 3ad 5o its 8:30! w entay 11:30 bt6l3een! ya3ni cham bs 3 hours ? sta7mlay!
Me: mabi ashouf wyohom! adri hatheech ra7 tg3ad tsawi 7rkat w ana mafeeni 9aber walla! 3adi agoum a6gha w ehya ga3da bkoshat'ha!
Alzain: ma3lch 9boooy walla wla yhmich! YOLO 9a7? gomay rg9ay w hzay jsmch w 36eeha 6af! la tg3deen bs walla ra7 t'67ak 3lech w tgoul ka 5thet mnha ely t7ba w el7een ga3da 3al krsi tit7asar 3la nafs'ha!
Me: mo bkefha!
Retaj: 9a7 klaam zyoon walla gomay rg9ay  w stansay w malch sh'3l feeha! b6ay chabdha! 
Me: i wish it was thaat easy :)
Lujain: it is bs entay mkabra elmaw'6o3!

we arrived to the wedding place! it was crowded w tawha elsa3a 8:30!

Retaj: hathi 3azma freejhom kila ?
Me: ma6foga walla ma astab3d msawyt'ha

zyoon grabbed my shoulders!

Alzain: 9aba shofeeni

i looked at her

Alzain: smile

i smiled

Alzain: 7eel

i smiled more

Alzain: akthar!

i smiled even more!!

Alzain: abee tkon hathi ebtisamtch da5el w ywelch! ywelch etha i saw it turn into a frawn ! 5a9atan etha da5al bader! la t5leen wla shay yhizch! lat5leenhom y2athron feech! your over this mn zman w mala da3i tyeebeen the old days back to life! ely fat mat remember that! ok?

i smiled

Me: ok ;*
Retaj: yalla emshaw 5isna!

we giggled!

All: yalla

before we got in my phone rang!

it was zayed!

Me: hlaaaa bliii mala 7is 6oul elyoum!
Zayed: wench
Me: ana zaina el7mdla :)
Zayed: lool sorry sorry shlonch 7yaty
Me: tmam el7imdla :p
Zayed: 3sa 3sa ;*
Me: thankyouuuu love ;*
Zayed: wi9altay el3rs ?
Me: ee tawni! btyee 9a7 ?
Zayed: la2 
Me: lesssssssh ??? zayed 36ok invitation!
Zayed: adri bs mabi ma asta7ml ashouf wayh hal 78eer
Me: zayed 3an els5afa plz t3al! fai9al ray7
Zayed: 9aba ma asta7ml fhmay!
Me: ma3ndk salfa! bader is over lay mta bitim chithi ya3ni!
Zayed: madri
Me: ok i g2g
Zayed: 9aba
Me: hmm
Zayed: za3altay ?
Me: la2
Zayed: a7bich ;*
Me: w ana ba3ad
Zayed: yalla give me a goodbye kiss 
Me: 6eeer! not in public
Zayed: basam7ich halmara!
Me: lool ok yalla i g2g
Zayed: bye ;*
Me: bye xD


I have to admit that the wedding kan mat3ob 3leh! it looked really nice ! everything was good! but i was the one not in the mood for anything! all the girls were enjoying their time except me .. i was sitting on the chair beside mama badria and didnt even move .. its not jealousy people i swear! its just that feeling inside of you where you try to forget someone and you do .. but their space in your heart just refuses to heal ..

i sat their and smiled ..

the Dj man announced that the bride was getting in .. and she did .. on a song that 7sain aljasmi played with her name in it! until she arrived to her kosha ..

zyoon came next to me ..

Alzain: 9aba

i looked at her

Alzain: etha tbeen enro7 enro7 tara 3adi
Me: im fine walla
Alzain: 9aba min 9ije!

she was looking at the crowd until her eyes spotted me .. she winked .. as if tabi t7rni

Me: 7ta ana min9ije! w emshay nsalm 3leha

alzain looked at me surprisingly ..

Me: yalla!

i walked and alzain was next to me .. abi awajha! abi awreeha eni mo mhtama!

Bshayer: ohhh 9abaaaa !!! t3alay 7beebti t3alay!

she hugged me!

Me: lool ee 9aba .. and mbrook
Bshayer: allah ybark feech! 3ad t9adgeen 7el tfaja2t twa8a3tch mara7 tyeen!
Me: w lesh ma ayee ? after all tara 3rs wld 5ali ..
Bshayer: wld 5alch ? hhh 7ilwa

she kept laughing in a "maya3a" way .. chna knat ta89d shay wara klamha ..

Me: sh8a9dch ?
Bshayer: lool waaay 9aba matdreen shkther a7bich .. dont try to hide anything .. tara we all know ma ti3tbrena wld 5alch .. 

and she winked .. i stood there w feeeeeni 7ara !!!! 3yoni kanat ga3da tintris mn lidmo3! salimat 3la a group of girls w g3adat ti'67ak ..

Alzain: 9aba dont even think about it! emshay

i just stood their loooking at her laugh .. lesh ? why did she say that ? lal7eenha 78eera! yet aslim 3leha w chithi eslobha! a tear made its way down my cheeks but alzain wiped it fast!

Me: alzain abi a6la3
Alzain: yalla kana el7een namshi .. t3alay

we went to our seats to get our stuff ..

ljoon and rtoooj came laughing to us .. but when they saw my face ..

Both: shfeeeha :o!!!
Dj man: w9alaw elryayeel w9alaw! 

alzain nodded her head and pushed me away ..

Alzain: emshay bsr3a .. 


we were walking to get out .. we passed the ball room's doors to go up the stairs and get out .. the men were already waiting outsid the ball rooms door ..

we made our way threw and up the stairs ..

but he came into me .. i banged his chest hard! hard that more tears were filling my eyes ! i clenched my fist on my shall to avoid my tears from falling ..

Bader: 9.. 9a.. 9aba ?

i looked at him ..  and he looked straight into my eyes .. i just stood there .. my legs barley able to hold me .. i didnt know what to do! i couldnt even move! its like my legs were betraying me and not moving! all i did was stare at him too .. it was like he was scanning my eyes !

Me: excuse me bs lazm aro7 ..

i moved away and he stretched his arms .. closing my path

Bader: le.. lesh bt6l3een el7een .. tawa el7afla ma bidat 

i was just staring at the ground .. a tear made its way down ..

Me: bs i got to go ..
Bader: 9aba .. la tbcheen plz .. 9aba ana..
Me: no need to explain anything 3adi tara :')
Bader: 9aba plz la tbcheen 3shani! walla tara ta a..
Alzain: she has to go ma tifham!

she pushed me away from him!


we got outside the building and were in the parking area filled with sand ..

i bursted out in my tears and hugged zyoon

Me: gltlkom maknt abi ayee !!!
Alzain: shhhh 9aba la tbcheen! 5al twali hathi ! ana tinarfazt mn klamha
Me: zyooon lesh y3amloni chithi *sniff* ana 6ala3t mn 7yat'hom *sniff* shilt'hom mn mu5i kila *sniff* 5al y5looni 5la9 ! walla ga3d yta3boni *sniff* shswetlhom ana *sniff* 5la9 zahagt *sniff*
Alzain: way 9booy mta3ba nafsch w tabcheen la tbcheen 7beebti 5al ywaloun! min 9ijch ? a9lan elmafro'6 ti'67keen 3leha 

she kept playing with my hair and hugging me

Alzain: elmafro'6 ti'67keen 3leha lanha mskeena! 3balha she won the game! matdre ena you dont care anymore w 6ala3tay bader mn 7yatch mn zmaaaaan! hathi ensana mree'6a!
Me: zyoooon bs shay ynarfz! *sniif*
Alzain: adri walla adri! bs shnsawi .. el8afla taseer w elklab tanba7 9booy .. 36eeha 3la gad 3aglha w kamlay 7yatch .. la tin8hren 3la chithi nas

my phone rang! it was that unknown number again ..

Me: waaaaay nag9a ana ba3ad!

i closed the line and switched my phone off!

Alzain: yalla emshay! 5anro7 betna ma7ad ehnak .. na6lb w nshouf aflam wla a7ad yadri 3anna .. emshay!

she side hugged me and we went into my car .. alzain was gonna drive this time ..

Alzain: wain el'Cdyat ? 
Me: kahom 

she stretched to get them ..

Alzain: el7een t8ayreen your mood .. 

i was laughing so hard!

Alzain: shfeech ?

i pointed behind her! fai9al was standing

Alzain: bismla!

nazilat eldreesha ..

Fai9al: shko 6al3een hal 7aza ?? wain 3la allah!
Alzain: bnred elbet!
Fai9al: ma 5ala9 el3rs 3shan trdon!
Alzain: bs a7na bnrd malna 5lg
Fai9al: shko ma tista2thinen ?
Alzain: shno ely asta2thn baro7 betna haw!

she closed the window =)) but he opened the door

Alzain: waaaaay fai9al 7beebi tukfa bnro7 !!!

he stared at her revealing legs

Fai9al: w 6al3a chithi ba3ad ?
Alzain: lool ee 
Fai9al: ma tyozeen ? ya 7beebti ra7 titzwjen ba3ad sbo3 3iglay 3iglay!! 
Alzain: agoouuul! elklam lich ya jara!

he laughed !

Fai9al: enzain shloun trdon bro7kom!
Alzain: fai9al la t7anch tukfa :(!!!
Fai9al: ya3ni a5leekom trdon bro7kom blel!
Alzain: elsa3a 11 
Fai9al: emshaw ana awdeekom!
Alzain: ma abi fashla ba3den sheegoloun!
Fai9al: sheegoloun 56eebti ba3ad yakl tbn ely yitkalam!
Alzain: la fai9al fashla 5lana a7na enro7 bs hal mara
Fai9al: 5la9 okk bs digaw awal ma to9loun
Alzain: okk
Fai9al: nice dress he winked to her 

i laughed hardley!!!!!! myaneeeen walla

alzain sta7at!

Alzain: 8leeel adab ro7!

 he laughed and kissed her cheeks and closed the door!

Me: kaaaaaaaaaak
Alzain: loool!!

she turned up the volume and drove back home!


6ab3an bl6reej zyoon mafeeha 9aber! she ordered from domino's pizza!

pizza is her love 5a9atan with extra tomato sauce <3!

we spent the day like nothing really happened .. i avoided everything and focused on having fun and i really did !

until it was about 2 at night! i called basha to come pick me up and went back home!

soooooo ? :p

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