** A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar. **

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Days of our life (7)

2 posts in 1 day ;D you better love us ! ;p enojy lovlies ;** bs its kind of short

just to clear things out is that in the last post 9aba 3balha ena alzain 7girat bader la2nha kanat tadri ena 9aba t7ba bs bl9j alzain matdri 3an shay. matdri ena 9aba t7b bader. lafat '6hrha lanha kanat tabi til7ag 3al 9ala w malha 5lg li9bay ely kan yaylha w ely kan y5zha 6oul elyoum ( bader).

** 9aba's point of view **

shft Alzain w retaj kanaw ga3d ydawron shay w 7bet eni aro7lhom w a9al7 klshay bena w abdi 9af7a ydeeda.

Me: Alzain w retaj
both: hla
me: tara im sorry 3la ely 9ar elyoum w 3la ely glnalkum eya ya3ni 9ij ena entaw 8l6taw 3lena bs makan la da3i ena nkabr elomor.
retaj: la 9aba entaw fahmeen 8ala6 a7na makna ga3deen nitklam 3ankom . rfejti kanat daztli 9ora malat mo'3ani mrakbeenla kuba w alzain 9adigat ena bnya fa gamat ti'67ak w it3al8 w entaw 3balkom ena a7na kna ga3deen nitklam 3ankom.

i felt myself really dumb and chilldesh at that time i also felt a littlle embaressed ena fog ma a7na '6lmnahom r7na w t'hawshna wyahom ;p bs shsawi we're kuwaiti for gods sake !! thats so typical ;p

Me: ok walla we're sorry 3la klhatha w how about starting on a new page ?
Alzain: sure ;D
Me: tyon ng3ad bl7adee8a ?
Retaj: a7na 5al nilga jwateena blawal ;/

all of a sudden it hit me ! laykoon ljoon w f6oom msaweeen shay eb jwati elbnat ;(! la2 !!! way 3lehom !

i went to the side and called ljoon ..

Lujain: aloo
Me: entaw msaween shay eb jwati elbnat
Lujain: kaaaaak ee 6afch 76ena feehom sauces w 7ithfna wa7d blzbala w wa7d wara bl7dee8a xD
Me: entaw mo fahmeen shsalfa !! elbnat ma swaw wla shay w shr7oli klshay ! kanat mojarad 9ora shafoha bltalefon w 3ali8aw 3leha w a7na fhmna 8ala6 w 3balna ena 3na !
Lujain: weeeee
me: way3ee hatha ya3ni entay akbar wa7da w el3agla chithi tsaweeen !!
Lujain: enzain 5la9 la tkabreen elomor el7een nyee ni3tithr mnhom w na36eehom jwati mn 3ndna !
me: mn wain enshalla btyeebeen ?
Lujain: 3ndi flatat bsyarti!
me: w syartch closet wana madri ?
Lujain: waaay t78ee8 3ndi w 5ala9 !
me: ok bsr3a la e6awloun !
Lujain: ok bye
me: bye

15 minutes later we were sitting in the garden chating and having fun walla their so lovley ma tw8a3t'hom chithi !! kanaw nafs 5balna w tafkeerna ya3ni chna we were meant to be friends!! we really loved them. f6oom and lujain explained to them everything w they didnt say anything about the shoe insident! they just laughed ! and that made us love them even more ;D!

Just to tell you a little about Alzain: shes a normal kuwaiti girl, average height of 165 cm light brown wavy hair that's even lighter in the sun! she has a body with curves and her eyes are the exact same colour as her hair. her skin is 7an6awi ;p

9aba was so curious to find out if Alzain knew that she loved Bader and what was the purpose that let her give Bader her back and walk away .. so ..

9aba: zyoon lesh 36etay '6ahrch 7ag my cuzn bdoor lma  kan byee ekalmch ?
alzain: mno bader ?
9aba: my cuzn!
alzain: ee mno
9aba: ely kan byee ykalmch lma kntay 9ob eldar ely y9alon feeha
alzain: wee hatha la makan 8a9di shay bs ena madri a7sa madri shloun ya3ni bs ybi yt7arash
9aba: aha

ma alohmha lana 9ij ehwa mn hal no3 w maknt abi a5rb 9da8ti m3aha w it just started w i really like her  fa i just ignored what happened today w g6eta kla wara '6ahri lana mayee wara bader ela 3war elras!

 and at the end of the night everybody went home exhausted .. i layed on my bad chatted a bit with alzain and retaj on bbm .. they seem really nice ;D and ya forgot to mention that we were going out tomrrow ;p


hope you enjoyed ;** Gn ;*

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