** A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar. **

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Days of our life (15)

sorry for not posting yesterday ;*** just a little busy, now enjoy :D!!

ps.  in the few upcoming posts ra7 tit2athon shwya lana y9eer mara Alzain w mara 9aba's point of view bs its just for a few posts to clear things out for you ;p

as we said days passed and Alzain's realtionship with fai9al ga3da ti6awar w their now kind of a couple :p bs elshay ely kan m2athee Alzain shway ehwa Bader .. kan klyoum ydsh 3leha w ysolf wyaha w Alzain kanat ti'6ayag mn hal shay eshwya lanha t7s enha ga3da til3ab mn wara '6ahar fai9aal ....

** 9aba's point of view **

i was talking to zyood on the phone ..

Zayed: enzain 9booy wain btro7on elyoum ?
9aba: aven akeed ;D
Zayed: aha ya3ni bnshoufch
9aba: yes ;p bs bndsh cinema awal
Zayed: yaaa m7asin el9idaf walla ;D
9aba: ahbal ? shno shfeek ?
Zayed: 7ta a7na dasheen cinema enshalla ;D ay filim
9aba: zyood alzain shagatni 5al agoum abadl w ashoufk ehnak
Zayed: okk yalla tc ;*!
9aba: enshalla ;$

and i ended the call.

i changed into my:

studded orange jacket:

with my Vince Sleeveless White tank top:

and my topshop highwest jeans:

and my Tory Burch Caroline Mirrored Black Ballet Flat:

so as you see it was thursday and this week we decided to also go to the avenues science we go their almost every week ;p

bs this time 7ijazna cinema !! f6oom lal7een oboha m3a8bha w 9ayreen 7ta manklmha blphone wayed w elsiba oboha aw enkalimha w oboha ysheel el5a6 elthani ya3ni ma na5th ra7atna ...

so in the car it was me zyoon rtooj and ljoon  ;D

hal mara ljoon ely kanat ga3da tsog ;p

Alzain: 76aw 88.8 !!

ljoon set the radio on 88.8

Rashed Al Majed played " skr el3yoon " ...

Athooob b3enk el7ilwa w sikarha w 7ata eldinya .. Ansaaahaaa wla athkrha .. ana ely sikaaar 3yonk yithawbni d5eelk la tithawbni w sakrhaaa ..
Ana adri thawibat'hom na'6rat 3yoonk .. w 9araw mn 7alawt'ha y7boonk .. w adri ena lwa7di lwa7di sakn eb konk w l3yonii jmee3 elnas tankrha ....
t'3ar w tis3d e7saasi bhal '3eera w a7s eni ligalbk maw6n w deeera ..
wla '3erk sha8al galbi w tafkeera yalath eb dnyti el7lwa w skaaarha 
wjoodk b7ayati ya mhaneeeha y3aw'6ni 3an eldnya w ma feeha .. w ro7k la3ijazt bro7i aw feeha 3la kthr elm7ba wdi ashkrha ..

all of us were singing and laughing .. its like we know the lyrics to every song !!

rtooj: ljoon 9otch 8ima blnashaaaaaz =))

Ljoon kept on singing 3nad 3la rtooj and we all laughed =))

Alzain: Ahhhhhhmmmm shaaaaaay X_X
All: shfeeech

zyoon laughed ..

Alzain: la wla shay knt ga3da aklm wa7da :p
ljoon: ya 7mara 5ara3teeni !
Alzain: loool walla wla shay :p
Ljoon: okk

** Alzain's point of view **

 i recieved a bbm from Bader ...

B.X.X :
88.8 ehda2 ;D

Out'Alzain AlX:

i told ljoon too turn the radio on and Rashed Al Majed " skr el3yon " was playing ..

ana 9ar feeeni : Ahhhhhmmmm shaaaaaaay

i meant to say that in my brain but i said it out loud =))

mno 3bala ehwa 3shan yahdeni hal e8nya wla 3bala ena fe shay beni w benah :/ ?? waaaai3 waai3 i need to talk to f6oom 3shan tbayinla ina a7na mo akthar mn friends !

ba3ad ma 5ali9at li'3nya dash 3lay ..

B.X.X :
zyoon ??

Out'Alzain AlX:
Bader aklmk lma ard elbet el7een ana 6al3a

B.X.X :

** 9aba's point of view **

wi9alna aven w nizlna w r7na seeeda elcinema shrena a8ra'6 w da5lna 3la 6oul ..

awal ma da5alna kan elfilim shwya w yabdi w the lights were off ..

Alzain hit me on the shoulder!
Me: a777
Alzain: shofay shofay !!!
Me: shnooo

alzain pointed with her finger to see fai9al zyood and their group sitting

Me: 3ad galooli byro7on cinema elyoum
Alzain: kaak walla la ayninhom =))

we went and sat in our seats .. so fai9al was sitting infront of me and Zayed was sitting infront of 9aba

Ljooon whispering: ya3ni el7een hathola ohma ely jdamna !!
Me: ee lujain shgeteeni shag walla ohma !
Ljoon: ambay ma9adg
Alzain: la lujain 7beebti 9adgay 9adgay !
Retaj: enzain hatha ( pointing on the one infront of her) mno ?
Alzain: hatha 3bdalla
Me: w akbar 9ay3!

we felt his head turning to face us w kil wa7da feena sawat nafs'ha tit3abath eb taleefonha =D!

we saw the movie w bada3na !!! Fai9al's mobile rang w ga3d ysawi ez3aj chan alzain tarfs krsyah 7eel 7ta krsi zyood ely yma htaz w fai9al kldgeega ygoul " uff " ya3ni na8za 3lena =)) rtooj it7sh eb 3bdalla ashkara w ehwa ga3d ysm3ha w kldgeega ylf ya36eeha na'6ra w ehya tsawi nafs'ha taktb eb bbm =))

The movie ended w a7s Zayed and fai9al galaw ma ba'3a ;p!!

Me and zyoon gimna bni6la3 gabl la tinft7 el'letat

zyoon walked jdami since krseeha yam eldaray ..

suddenly fai9al got up and pulled zyoons arm !

she was facing him

Fai9al: 3balch madri mno ?
All of us ( our group and fai9al's group ): kaaaaaaak

Alzain face was la ta3leeee8 =)) !!!

Alzain: ambay hatha enta ehni
Fai9al: laaaaaaa
Alzain: maknt adri

Fai9al went down the stairs with Alzain and he was talking to her.

Zayed: w entay t3alay
9aba laughing: 3aad ana w rab elka3ba ma swet shay
Zayed: madri mno ely kldgeega ti'67ak chnha faar =))

i laughed so hard !! everyone tells me that i laughed like a mouse =))!

 he talked to me a bit then all of us went in their seperate direction :p

Alzain came back to us..

Alzain: ambaay jad mara thanya mara7 asawi wla shay =))
9aba: kaaak mno zyoon matsawi shay, i wish i could believe that =))
Alzain: walla jad a5r mara =))

we laughed at 5bal zyoon and went for a little shopping then had dinner in P+F changes and headed back home after this akward day =))!

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