** A little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar. **

Saturday, 28 September 2013

It was just a mistake (10)

"i think i know exactly where she would have taken her .. trust me." the two boys went back to the shalaih to get a car, they tried to get her asap gabl la shay thani y9eer .. who knows? reem may be hiding plenty of things to do .. ensana 78eera. 

 "Rakan ent ga3d itsog tadri wain ray7 ?  wla ga3d itsog 3aba6 ?"- 3bdalah said curiously, but rakan had to reply .. mo 3arf ydl el6reej mn kthr ma ehwa midodh! the last time he remembers going to it was months ago, gabl la yg6a3 3an reem bfatra. kan 5ayf tkon hal 78eera msawytlha shay! kan yfaker .. "6aya7t'ha bmoshkla w ehya malha thanb! da5alt'ha eb mtaha wyay." but 3bdallah kept on interrupting his thoughts with his irritating statements.

akeed mo 3arf 9a7?? bs t3arf tda5l elnas bmshakl w t3and w tkaber rask ma3ni atwa8a3 gaylk alf mara deerbalk"! "3bdalla tikfa KIL5RAK!!! kafi ely feeeni! 3arf wla 3arf bs 5alni athakar el6reej la twatrni akthar." "Lo y9eer feeha shay ya rakan amout wla a7lilk." -he stated. 

Rakan ignored his last words and drove off trying to re-create some last images he had of that place, the roads, the signals some how were familiar.. he tried to focus on one thing which was getting ghala back.

But there was this one thought that never left his mind; which were all the attempts of letting his filthy past away some how never succeed, "كل شي حولي يذكرني بشي"


after what seemed like a 30 minute drive they hopelessly parked the car on the left side of the road..

Rakan, dragging his hair to the back started cursing himself. "mo gader athakar"-he said, 3bdallah gave him the what do you mean you dont remember look?? "wallah mani gader athakar 9arli ash'her ash'er mo ray7 hal mokan, mn youmha w ana mo yay wallah akrah 7yaty lma athakr bs magdar ansa bs gam a7awel 3shan.. 3shan.. 3shanha"-he said heavily.. 3bdallah understood nothing, kalemat rakan sounded like puzzles that needed to be sorted out which he didnt have time for.. "I- I care about her maybe as much as you do w akthar 3bdallah w 5ayef ykon 9aylrha shay. A5af tkon darat 3an elma'6i w ely fat w matsam7ni" 

"tsam7k? tsam7k 3la swad wayhek wla 3la ely tsabiblha eya wla mn zod ghlak 3ndha? ana kan le shar6 wa7d bs, w shar6i elw7eed enk matgrb 9ob ghala bs rakan, rakan en magrab 9ob bnt maykon esma rakan"-3bdallah said with a cold heart

Rakan drove away without replying because he didnt have the words nor the strength to reply back to all thats been said since its all true. Right now what was in his heart was still gleaming, still nourishing still looking to solutions to mysteries. Still worrying about ghala. 

he drove away in a pathway that he believed might be leading to the place of reem's. 

And when he finally got to that same place, the place of months ago.. he smiled releifly "Enzl.."


*Ghala's pov*

i woke up from that horrible headache, i was just there .. laying on the ground like a mummy ..
reem ya dasha ga6a 3lay klam .. ya 6al3a rafsatni w zayda mn 3wari .. im tired of sitting here .. im tired of laying here in pain crying!

i want my cousins! i want my sisters! i want sara, lamar and ghzoool! i need them right now! im scared! im sooo scared! i dont want to understand what's going on or why all this is happening to me i just. want. to. go. home.

i want reem to come and tell me what does she want from me and ill be ready to exactly what she wants, i promise. and If it's about the time i called her, talking to her about rakan; i swear theres nothing going on between me and him, after all i just wanted to help.

how can such a girl act so rough? ba3ad anna allah yhday maglofa wayed..

i saw the door on the corner slowley opening and i thought that its reem, with a chance of me talking to her but it was just one of the boys that were with her..

my hearts beats exelerated, and i looked at him with questioning eyes "lat5afeen im not here to hurt you .. bs glt ymkn 36shana fa i brought you water"-he said politely, i felt like giggling "isn't that too thoughtful for kidnappers to do?"-i said, he just flashed me a smile.

"Not to sound stupid but can i ask you for a favor?"-i asked, the boy was too shy. He looked very silent, too clueless and uncontrolled too.  "if your gonna ask me to help you run away, wallah lo beedi chan mn 3youni bs dont, if your gonna ask for more water mani gayl la2"-he said, as if he read my mind. "umm, No, i just want to ask you, did i do something wrong?" "blnisba for a girl that's been taken away by 2 giant guys, beaten by reem and accused and you still manage to laugh and giggle as if you've done nothing wrong w '6meerch moo em2nbch? you dont seem like you've done anything." "mshkoor"- i said with a smile. "But for now, reem is upset about something w enshallah ra7 tahdi w tshouf ena you have nothing to with it"

"sina 3la ma tsharbha may enta ba3ad! yalla 5al9ni!"- she yelled making her way into the room, The guy took the glass and winked, getting ready to say as she ordered .. she treated him like a dog no offense but that's what she did. I smiled back to him .. "sh3ndch ti'67keen entay ?  ma shiba3tay 5of?" "7raam ?" and as if god wanted to get me rid of what she had to say next, the bell rang.And the look in reems face was pricless.

She had no idea what she wanted to except yell for some to go and answer it. "If you talk i swear im  gonna kill you"- She demanded. And within a split second i heard 2 familiar voices, 3bdallah and rakan. 

"REEEEEEEEM!"-he shouted, i looked at reem who just stared at the ground.. game over. I heard doors being open and shutt, cries of my name everywhere but i just sat on my legs and looked at reem who was hopelessly staring at the ground with sparkling eyes.. "reem?"- i mumbled, wanting to ask her if she was okay, but instead she raised her head with her eyes nearly popping out of her nose, and her hand in slapping position. "no.."- i whispered.

"E7TRMAY NAFSICH 3AD"-He said grabbing her by her hand .. this was by far the most aggresive part ive been through in my life. i hid my face in my sweater and breathed heavily, until a voice caught my attention

i heard a huge slap! did he slap her? sh9ayer?, 3bdallah who came into the room with questioning eyes was confused to, i got up and ran to his side "Im glad you came wallah jad"- i spoke with teary eyes, "Are you alright? t3alay t3alay"-he side hugged me

"Kila minik, i planned on doing nothing to you, maknt abi arja3 athl nafsi w a7awel eni akon shay b7yatk when i know that i no longer have my place in it. But she, she came in and became everything to you eb mas2lat cham youm. en8hart, shloun?" "Cause she's just not like you. and you can never be anything like her.. two moons never shine in the same sky. And your not the moon in mine"

"It's not over *sniff* believe me it isnt"

Describing the moment as joyfull? lucky? a dream? a blessing? and also shocking? are all understatements. Nothing could ever describe the amount of happiness i was in. Nor the confusment i was while rakan was talking to her, but who cares? who cares on finding out why all this happened? who cares about knowing what rakan meant when its finally over now.. 

i get to head back to my second home now. The shalaih..